The host hotel for the IV Los Cabos Area Convention of Narcotics Anonymous is the Hyatt Place Hotel, with an excellent location on the tourist corridor in San José del Cabo.
Special price on accommodation for CALCNA IV attendees.
Group code: G-NALC
"Reserving a room is very simple and can only be done through the website. Just click on the button Book Hotel Room, directly with the host hotel." (NO RESERVATIONS BY CALL OR EMAIL).
We are waiting for you in San Jose del Cabo on November 15, 16 and 17, 2024!!
The fourth Narcotics Anonymous convention organized by the Los Cabos Area will take place at the Hyatt Place Hotel facilities.
What is the Narcotics Anonymous program?
NA is a non-profit fellowship or association made up of men and women for whom drugs had become a very serious problem. We are recovering addicts and meet regularly to help each other stay “clean.”
Do you want to make donations?
The self-sustaining principle in Narcotics Anonymous, as expressed in our Seventh Tradition, assures us the stability to carry our message according to our own conditions.
Our groups fund our services at all levels so that we can remain free from outside influences and control. We do not accept any donations from outside Narcotics Anonymous
"Together we can help ensure that recovery is within reach of any addict seeking relief from the nightmare of addiction."
Small or large, we support ourselves with our own contributions.

Servers Committee
Convention committee coordinator: Fani C.
Tickets & Web development: Antonio R.
Treasurer: Ruben M.
Hospitality: Hiram C.
Schedule: Fley.
Reception and transportation: Salvador.
Below you can see the schedule for the three days of the convention.